Wednesday, July 19, 2017

First Aid and CPR Training – Why Is It Important?

first aid course Toronto
You must have heard about First Aid and CPR courses being provided at hospitals, office & residential complexes and other institutions. Chances are that you opted out of attending them to do something more “productive” and “meaningful” with your time. If you belong to such a category, you are requested to definitely read on.

Let’s begin with the bottom line – first aid and CPR training are like umbrellas; you don’t need them most of the time but when you do and find yourself without them, you are in a real soup! They are actually much more important than the umbrella which you carry in your bag as they can save lives. Let us analyze why you should opt for their training.

Emergencies Can Occur Anywhere

There is no time or place for emergencies. They can happen anywhere. From burns in the kitchen to drowning in the swimming pool – you never know when you will witness a medical emergency. Would you like to stand in the crowd watching the victims helplessly or would you rather arm yourself with first aid CPR training and step out to save the day? 
 Read more at the original source.

Contact Details:
Coast2Coast First Aid & Aquatic Inc.
20 Tangreen Court, Toronto
Ontario, M2M 3Y9
Phone No:647-885-2391

Save A Person’s Life With CPR Training In Toronto

CPR training Toronto
In a bewildering,near-tragic incident reported by CBC News early this year, a Toronto woman saved the life of a man who went into sudden cardiac arrest during a gym workout.

The woman later told how she was shocked that everyone just froze in fear and no one intervened. If it wasn’t for her, the man would have died there and then, with no one to save him from a terrible, senseless death.

She decided to intervene when she saw a staff member walk over to the man as he was lying on the floor, face blue. The employee then leaned down, put a defibrillator on the floor beside the man and stood back in dumbfounded confusion.

It was lucky for the victim that the 29 year old woman received her CPR training Toronto earlier, and knew how to deliver cardiopulmonary resuscitation. She had the training done when she enrolled to work as a flight attendant, and if she weren’t there, the man’s life would have ended.
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Contact Details:
Coast2Coast First Aid & Aquatic Inc.
20 Tangreen Court, Toronto
Ontario, M2M 3Y9
Phone No:647-885-2391

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

CPR Training In Mississauga: What You Need To Know?

CPR training Mississauga
We are glad you decided to visit this page. It shows you are a caring, conscientious person who’d like to be there for others in need. Our CPR courses in Mississauga are conducted in a training facility conveniently located at 50 Britannia Road East, Mississauga, ON, L4Z 3W7m easily reachable from nearby highways and main roads.

Coast to Coast First Aid is a Canadian Red Cross training Partner, offering multiple standard first aid courses with full certification. In addition to Mississauga, we have training facilities all over the GTA, with Toronto CPR first aid courses, first aid training in Brampton, and even free CPR training in Toronto.

Our CPR training Mississauga centre is open for public courses on both weekdays and weekends, adjusting our hours to your busy schedules.
Read more at the original source.

Contact Details:
Coast2Coast First Aid & Aquatic Inc.
20 Tangreen Court, Toronto
Ontario, M2M 3Y9
Phone No:647-885-2391

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Become A Lifeguard This Summer With First Aid And CPR Training

Coast to Coast First Aid is now inviting young individuals to a program that combines international and local expertise to produce the best quality First Aid and cpr training for lifeguards.

Getting your first aid training is all about being able to save lives, but being a Lifeguard is to make it your profession. Our program is based on the best practices as shown by the Canadian Red Cross, the highest standard for first aid training in Canada.

Our own program takes it a step forward and offers smaller training groups, better equipped facilities and centers all around Ontario and the GTA. This allows you to avoid the need for lengthy travel and choose the training center in the vicinity of your own home.

We have training facilities for CPR and First Aid in Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, North York, and many other areas and municipalities. We make it easy for you to get your first aid certification and proceed to become a lifeguard next.

Contact Details:
Coast2Coast First Aid & Aquatic Inc.
20 Tangreen Court, Toronto
Ontario, M2M 3Y9
Phone No:647-885-2391

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

All You Need to Know about First Aid and CPR

first aid and CPR training
First aid and CPR consist of the steps which should be taken when a person suffers from a sudden injury or a bout of illness. These steps often prove life-saving and thus hold importance. Let us discuss them in detail so that you can realize the importance of acquiring these skills.

What is First Aid?

It comprises of the basic procedures which should be imparted to a sick or injured person before medical help arrives. They may be the simple steps of dressing up a small wound or the proper method of tying up a broken body part and more. It prevents the worsening of the sickness or injury and in many cases also prevents death. The presence of a person trained in first aid is very reassuring whether you are in the office or out on an adventure tour.

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Contact Details:
Coast2Coast First Aid & Aquatic Inc.
20 Tangreen Court, Toronto
Ontario, M2M 3Y9
Phone No:647-885-2391

Why Everyone Should Go For First Aid CPR Training

First Aid CPR training
Summer is here and it brings it own set of season related dangers.

It is not new that we are fragile creatures, and it’s mostly the realization of just how fragile we are that keeps us safe most of the time.

But caution is often not enough, and dangers tend to catch us unawares. That’s where we need to be able to take care of others and ourselves. Often being able to do that will mean the difference between life or death.

The American Red Cross has identified some pretty alarming statistics on this topic. This statistic is for all of North America, but it’s still very relevant to us here in Canada.
  • The leading cause of death for children below 4 is drowning.
  • A child that age can drown as fast as within one minute.
  • 88 percent of all cardiac arrest scenarios occur at home.
  • The number of cardiac arrest victims that survive is below 7%.
  • The reason for that is because people near them didn’t know CPR Recertification.

Contact Details:

Coast2Coast First Aid & Aquatic Inc.
20 Tangreen Court, Toronto
Ontario, M2M 3Y9
Phone No:647-885-2391

Where to go or not go for CPR Recertification?

CPR recertification
Keeping your CPR certification valid is very important for several good reasons.

One is that you are legally bound to have a valid CPR certificate to perform cardiovascular resuscitation in Canada.

If you find yourself in a situation where you perform this life saving technique without a valid license, you may be facing legal action. This chance becomes higher still if there is suspicion that your actions caused harm or contributed to the emergency rather than help resolve it.

The second reason is that CPR recertification is often, and luckily, the only time when most people get to practice it and make sure they still remember how it’s done.

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Contact Details:
Coast2Coast First Aid & Aquatic Inc.
20 Tangreen Court, Toronto
Ontario, M2M 3Y9
Phone No:647-885-2391